Dawn Illing

Dawn Illing Author

Dawn Illing is a product development manager with over 25 years of product management and development experience in the banking, insurance and cyber security industries.

Dawn's has worked internationally across EMEA in banking, insurance and cyber security industries. By working cross-border across Europe, this has inspired her interest in cross-border digital identity and cyber security, including the interoperable requirements that necessitate successful delivery of digital product and market solutions.

"Particularly in light of the digital revolution, the area of product development is one that is both fascinating and lucrative. The opportunities for developing creative products are virtually limitless given the speed at which technology is developing and the increased availability of digital tools and platforms".
"The foundation of digital transformation is digital identity - both a strategic business requirement as well as a technology challenge. Digital identity holds the key to releasing the digital revolution's full potential".

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Articles by Dawn Illing

Data Encryption Teaser
Blog post

The EU Data Act And Its Impact On Your Data Security

The EU Data Act entered into force on 11 January 2024, and it will become applicable in September 2025.
Security for Cashless Payments
Blog post

Exploring the Impact of PSD2 on European Payments: A Comprehensive Overview

PSD2 aims to make payments more secure in Europe while enhancing security, boosting innovation, introducing new technologies, and increasing competition in the payment industry.
u.trust Timestamping Service
Blog post

Electronic Timestamp: Safeguarding The Integrity of Digital Records

In this article, we delve deeper into the realm of electronic timestamping.
a digital sign
Blog post

Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Tools To Comply With The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Choosing The Right Cybersecurity Tools To Comply With The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
device attestation
Blog post

Streamlining Device Security with Device Attestation

Device attestation solutions emerge as indispensable tools, providing a shield against unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious activities.
Complete Digital Infrastructure Protection for Cloud & Cloud Service Providers
Blog post

Secure Cloud Migration & Data Protection in the Cloud

Recognizing and understanding the risks associated with cloud migration is not only effective but also imperative for organizations.
a digital lock
Blog post

Revolutionizing Data Security: Zero Trust Data Protection

We look at how Zero Trust concepts are applied to data protection for the purpose of providing a proactive approach.
Blog post

How To Be Prepared for the NIS2 Directive

In this article, we outline how organizations and companies can effectively prepare for NIS2 compliance.
Blog post

Accelerating Security in Software-Defined Vehicles with Key Management Solutions

In this article, we look at how key management solutions are crucial in ensuring vehicle security, access control, and operational efficiency.

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