Business Communication Keyvisual

Business Communication

Prevent incidents from becoming crises with the right business communications

In today’s dynamic and digitized business landscape, the ability to turn incidents into manageable situations through effective communication is invaluable.

Among the many challenges organizations face, cybersecurity incidents are a major concern. They involve not only immediate emergency scenarios, but also the need to share critical business information with various stakeholders - employees, customers, and business partners.

These could be

  • Cybersecurity incidents
  • Data breaches
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Management personnel changes
  • Product failures
  • Brand management
  • Industrial accidents

With a Critical Event Management system in place, organizations can define workflows to be executed in the event of an incident. This proactive approach ensures preparedness for a range of incidents that could otherwise threaten business continuity. It provides the ability to quickly implement countermeasures or establish seamless information dissemination chains.

Utimaco’s Critical Event Management System, CEM, comes with pre-defined event templates, libraries, and area lists for critical incidents in business environments that facilitate a quick and easy setup. Furthermore, you can customize the processes to suit your company and define communication actions and responsible persons for different alert levels and incidents.


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