Payment hardware security modules

Payment Hardware Security Modules

Increase your security posture, and maintain compliance with a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 and PCI HSM v3 certified payment HSM

Payment HSMs provide cryptographic support for the payment applications of cards. These HSMs are secure, tamper-resistant cryptographic device that are specifically designed to protect the life cycle of cryptographic keys and to execute encryption and decryption procedures.They provides a high level of security in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cryptographic keys as well as any sensitive data processed.

Payment HSMs are primarily used in the retail and banking industries, where they provide high levels of protection for cryptographic keys and customer PINs (generation, management, validation and translation of the PIN Block in transactions carried out at POS and ATMs) used during the issuance of magnetic stripe and EMV chip cards, their mobile application equivalents, and the processing of credit and debit card payment transactions.


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