Post Event Analysis Keyvisual

Post Event Analysis

Monitor, track, and analyze critical events to optimize your internal processes for
incident response

Critical Event Management goes beyond alert dissemination and response. Since business continuity is an important cornerstone for critical events – analyzing past events is an important part. This recognition underscores the vital role that post-event analysis plays in shaping a comprehensive recovery plan.

Consider the following tasks and items to be included in the post analysis of a critical event:

  • Performance analysis report including the number of messaged sent and the distribution time
  • Evaluation of affected people and entities on message and instructions comprehensibility
  • Detailed document log of the crisis
  • After action review for the identification of improvements with the relevant stakeholders
  • Definition of action items to optimize internal processes and eliminate bottlenecks

Central to this approach is the establishment of a post-crisis committee, responsible for post event analysis and evaluation. The ensuing task is to define precise action items to address each identified deficiency, effectively turning post-event analysis into proactive planning.

As the post-action-review phase unfolds, it serves as a bridge back to standard processes, restoring business normality. However, the true depth of this process is revealed through the investigation into the root causes of the crisis or incident. This investigation serves as a learning opportunity, prompting the exploration of strategic measures that can be employed to overcome similar challenges in the future.

In summary, Critical Event Management should cover the entire spectrum of incident response, from the immediacy of crisis communication to post event analysis for sustainable business continuity. Utimaco’s Critical Event Management software ensures a secure and reliable handling of critical events since it includes detailed reporting with data tracking and logging of all events for post-analysis.


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