Secure communikcation market players
Energy & Utilities

Secure Communication throughout all Market Players

A cyberattack on one critical infrastructure network can create a devastating chain reaction.

With the changing landscape of the energy sector, more complex connections to the grid and energy infrastructure are anticipated for a cleaner, reliable, and affordable energy future. More and more businesses are exploring new technologies and ventures for building a sustainable future, while meeting regulatory and policy requirements.

With the rise of complex digital infrastructures, cyber threats are putting critical infrastructures in jeopardy. Smart grids, for example, are critical components of the electricity network,which comprise of a variety of computer science technologies and connected devices. Communication between multiple elements is the source of a potential cyberattack if it is not secured.

UTIMACO provides the corresponding solutions to reliably protect communication among the critical infrastructures against unauthorized access, loss, and manipulation.


Applications for Secure Communication throughout all Market Players


Key Management

Sensitive data must not only be encrypted, but also kept secure while in motion, in use, or at rest. Reap the benefits of properly managing your encryption keys.


Identity and Access Management

Efficiently protects devices and data against unauthorized access. This  is crucial to ensure security and compliance in today’s environment. Identity and Access Management provides significant benefits in terms of security, transparency, and manageability.


General Purpose Hardware Security Modules

Enables key generation, storage, and exchange. Addresses various performance levels and physical security requirements while fulfilling compliance and regulatory mandates.


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