Security Cloud stored data energy utilities
Energy & Utilities

Security for Cloud-stored Data for Energy & Utilities

Robust data security in the cloud enables energy and utility services to provide efficiency, scalability, flexibility, data analysis, availability, and real-time reporting.

Energy and utilities have become core areas where cloud technology is vital. It is used for infrastructure monitoring, optimizing complex operations, forecasting supply and demand of specific areas, and incorporating evolving energy sector trends.

However, as the cloud size increases, so do the attack surfaces. Cloud-stored data can be targetted by attacks, resulting in data loss, breaches, or even critical infrastructure failures. This necessitates strong cloud data security in the energy and utilities sector.

Cloud data security can be achieved through a variety of solutions that allow users to control and monitor sensitive data entirely or partially while it is at rest or in motion.


Applications for Energy & Utilities Data Security in the Cloud


Double Key Encryption

Enables protection of sensitive data by securing encryption keys in the HSM and Azure cloud. Without access to both keys, the relevant data remains securely encrypted.


Multi-Cloud Key Management

A bring-your-own-key strategy (BYOK) allows to securely orchestrate services and data flows across multiple clouds and countries, including customers' local data centers.


General Purpose Hardware Security Modules

Enables key generation, storage, and exchange. Addresses various performance levels and physical security requirements while fulfilling compliance and regulatory mandates.



Select the key management solution by hosting encryption keys in the cloud provider’s platform or retaining the ownership control of customer-managed encryption keys.



Replacing sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens enables secure business operations without sharing sensitive information.


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