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LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption - Schutz für geschäftskritische Daten

Protection for Business-Critical Data – Convenient. Reliable. Secure.

Building your cyber resilience and security with reliable file and folder encryption by Utimaco’s LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption 

Encryption solutions are essential for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access. In an age where digital threats are rampant, encryption ensures that even if data falls into the wrong hands, it remains unintelligible without the proper decryption key. This is critical to protecting personal information, financial data, intellectual property, and other confidential materials from cyber-attacks, data breaches, and theft.

Utimaco’s LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption is a software-based data encryption solution. It protects your data against unauthorized internal and external access regardless of the storage location by transparently encrypting all files according to the policy framework. 

Benefits of LAN Crypt File and Folder Encryption Solution: 

  • Protection against unauthorized internal and external data access 
  • Fulfilment of individual security policies and compliance rules 
  • Role-based encryption of sensitive and business-critical data 
  • Cross-platform and transparent data access
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