
Michele Mosca: Quantum computing will decimate the security infrastructure of the digital economy (video)

Quantum computing will decimate the security infrastructure of the digital economy. Quantum computing in general is certainly a blessing to humanity in many respects and it promises to disrupt evolution of technology in more than one dimensions. But it is also a curse to security, as cryptographic algorithms that proved to be secure for decade may be breached by quantum computers within minutes.

This explains why researchers all around the globe are ambitiously working on a new generation of cryptographic infrastructure and algorithms to withstand the quantum-enforced new generation of attack models. We speak of post-quantum cryptography "PQC".

Work with the PQC experts

We at Utimaco have the honor to work with some of the leading researchers in quantum cryptography, who use our Hardware Security Modules. 

The ultimate goal is to prepare:

  • the security infrastructure of the digital economy,
  • algorithms and
  • HSMs in unison for the post-quantum era.

Learn from the PQC experts

In the context of Utimaco’s Applied Crypto Symposium we had the chance to interview 3 of the leading researchers, and to dive into their views and research agenda on post-quantum cryptography.

Blog post by Dr. Ulrich Scholten

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