
Stairway to the Cloud Migration

About the Migration Brochure

Are you considering moving to the cloud but concerned about compromising on security?

The cloud provides multiple benefits compared to traditional on-premises scenarios, including: 

  • Reduced costs for on-premises solutions
  • A reduction in staff expenditure 
  • Greater flexibility 
  • Higher scalability 

Moving to the cloud has become a modern-day necessity

Given the benefits of operating in the cloud, executives of financial institutions face pressure to migrate. Yet, amidst the multitude of regulatory requirements and the catastrophic consequences of potential breaches in digital security, apprehensions linger among stakeholders in this sector, hindering a full embrace of a cloud-centric strategy. 

It has never been easier and more secure to migrate to the cloud!

By utilizing cloud-based Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) for secure generation and storage of cryptographic keys, you attain the same level of crypto key security as hosting an HSM in a physical environment. This ensures robust security while leveraging the inherent flexibility and convenience of cloud environments. 

Download our Migration Brochure “Stairway to the Cloud”, below and embark on your cloud migration journey with confidence, knowing that security remains uncompromised. 

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