Utimaco at automotive cybersecurity in Detroit

UTIMACO @ Automotive Cybersecurity Detroit 2023

Win the cybersecurity race with UTIMACO. Contact us today to discuss possible strategies!

We would like to invite you to meet us at the Automotive Cybersecurity Detroit 2023 event from the 21st of March – 23rd of March.

Automotive Cybersecurity Detroit 2023 brings like-minded people together to develop automotive cybersecurity strategies by providing an environment for knowledge transfer, collaboration, and idea sharing.

We invite you to discover how we can support you in achieving the highest in-vehicle as well as vehicle-to-everything security.

Recognizing the market cybersecurity requirements, UTIMACO offers a solution portfolio that helps secure the complete vehicle lifecycle eliminating the challenge of key management.

Our portfolio

Our portfolio

Our portfolio includes security for the following use cases:

Chart automotive trust suite portfolio


Explore Complete Automotive Trust Suite here.

Attend session

Attend Utimaco’s Spotlight Session

  • Listen to our experts on 23rd March at 9:00 AM.

Presentation Topic:  Case Study: How to Develop A Robust Cyber Security Strategy For Connected Vehicles

Meet our Experts

Meet our Experts at the event

Alois Kliner

Alois Kliner, VP Automotive & Manufacturing

Priyank Kumar

Priyank Kumar, Senior Director IoT and Payments

Book a meeting

Book a meeting

If you would like to schedule a meeting at Automotive Cybersecurity Detroit 2023 or in the future, need more information, or have questions about leveraging automotive cybersecurity, please fill out the form below.

We look forward to hearing from you.

How can we help you?

Talk to one of our specialists and find out how Utimaco can support you today.
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